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Marcia Lei Zeng

Ph.D. || Professor

School of Information

Kent State University

Kent, Ohio, USA

Also known as Zeng, Lei 曾蕾


my profile on Google Scholar

my foaf file

my twitter: @marciazeng

my ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0003-0151-5156

on Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q68543053

==> Curriculum Vitae | Short Bio

==> Website for the textbook Metadata. Zeng, Marcia Lei & Jian Qin.
2nd Edition (2016) ISBN 9781555709655 / ISBN 9781783300525
3rd Edition (2022) ISBN 9780838948750 / ISBN 9781783305889
@ http://www.metadataetc.org/

Updates (recent activities):

[2024 +]:

[Award news]: "Marcia Zeng to Receive the ASIS&T 2024 Award of Merit. Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T)", 2024-06-24. https://www.asist.org/2024/06/24/marcia-zeng-to-receive-the-asist-2024-award-of-merit/
The award will be given during the 2024 meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) which will be held 25-29 October, 2024 in Calgary, AB Canada.

DCMI 2024, Oct. 20-23. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- NKOS 2024 Workshop: KOS in AI & AI in KOS Part 2. Oct. 20. Co-organized by Joseph BUSCH, Douglas TUDHOPE, and Marcia ZENG.
- [Invited speaker] Development Status and Trends of Global (Meta)data Standards — A Report on New & Notable Efforts in the 2020s
- [Panel] Revealing Great Values of Diverse Cultural Heritage through Generating Smart Data in the New Age of AI
With panelists Eero Hyvönen, Long XIAO, and Shigeo Sugimoto

Digital Humanities and Intelligent Computing, a biennial book series, London: Routledge.
The 1st one: Intelligent Computing for Cultural Heritage: Global Achievements and China's Innovations
ISBN 9781032705408, 280 Pages, released July 11, 2024. Edited By Xiaoguang Wang, Marcia Lei Zeng, Jin Gao, Ke Zhao. Open Access version: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781032707211
IAS Book Launch and Symposium: Intelligent Computing for Cultural Heritage. Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS), University College London, UK. Sept. 26, 2024.

Conferència de Marcia Zeng sobre «smart data» i humanitats digitals [news: https://fima.ub.edu/noticies/2024/07/05/conferencia-de-marcia-zeng-sobre-smart-data-i-humanitats-digitals/] University of Barcelona, Spain, June 27, 2024.

ISKO 2024. 18th International Society for Knowledge Organization Conference (ISKO 2024), March 20-22, Wuhan, China and Online.
- NKOS 2024 Workshop: KOS in AI & AI in KOS. Part 1. Co-organized by Joseph BUSCH, Douglas TUDHOPE, and Marcia ZENG.
-[Panel] "Maximizing the FAIRness of Cultural Heritage Resources with Conceptual and Infrastructural Models and Knowledge Organization Systems," with Maja Žumer, Eero Hyvönen, Cuijuan Xia, and Hongxin Zhang.
-[Panel, Chinese] "建造适合中国文化遗产的知识组织系统,助推数据的共享与重用" "Building Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) for Chinese Cultural Heritage to Facilitate Data Sharing and Reuse," with Xiaoguang Wang, Xilong Hou, Long Xiao, Mingyu Huang and Wei Fan.

2024 Summer grant, KSU. “Generating Trustable Cultural Metadata in the New Age of AI,” Summer Research and Creative Activity Appointment, The Research Council of Kent State University.


CDH2023. The 5th Chinese Digital Humanities Conference, 第五届中国数字人文年会--“数实共生:预见数字人文未来图景”, Dec. 8-10. Wuhan, China.
- [主讲 Keynote]:"AI时代 可信智慧数据的生成 --可能性及其挑战
Generating Trustable Smart Data for DH in the Age of Artificial Intelligence – Possibilities and Challenges."

ICADL2023. The 25th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, Dec. 4-7. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Workshop on Metadata Models for Digital Archiving of Intangible and Experiential Cultural Entities. Organized by Shigeo Sugimoto (Japan), Magnus Pfeffer (Germany), and Marcia Zeng (USA)
- Presentation:"Incorporating representative visual resources in a KOS vocabulary for digital archiving of intangible and experiential cultural entities"

NKOS 2023 Workshop. Nov. 6, 2023, as part of DCMI 2023, Daegu, South Korea and Virtual.
- Co-chair.
[Panel] KOS Terminology Services. Exploring the infrastructures, tools, and approaches used in vocabulary and ontology portals, registries, and individual KOS services.
-Organized by Marcia Zeng (USA) and Douglas Tudhope (UK)
- with panelists from BioPortal and Ontoportal, MedPortal, OCLC FAST & Deweiy, AgroPortal, KOKO upper ontology cloud, Linked Conservation Data, Chinese Iconography Thesaurus (CIT) service, and BARTOC.

ISKO UK 2023 Knowledge Organization and Information Discovery, Glasgow July 24-25. Glasgow, UK.
- Invited Talk: Visual Representations of Knowledge Structures for Information Discovery.

19th 数字图书馆前沿问题高级研讨班会议(ADLS). 19th Advanced Digital Library Seminar. June 16-18. Wuhan, China.
- 主讲:知识建模、知识组织、知识库在AI应用中的作用

[Newly published 2022]:

Book: Metadata, 3rd. Zeng, Marcia Lei & Jian Qin. 2022. Chicago: ALA Neal-Schuman ISBN:978-0-8389-4875-0 (Announcement) |&| London: FACET Publishing ISBN 9781783305889

Journal: Lead Guest Editor. Special issue of Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST),Volume 73, Issue 2, Feb. 2022 (TOC)

Article: Subirats-Coll, Imma, Kristin Kolshus, Andrea Turbati, Armando Stellato, Esther Mietzsch, Daniel Martini, Marcia Zeng. 2022. "AGROVOC: The Linked Data Concept Hub for Food and Agriculture." Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 196 (2022)105965 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2020.105965 |Download PDF

Article: Hong, Yi and Marcia Lei Zeng. 2022. “International Classification of Diseases (ICD)”. Knowledge Organization 49, no. 7: 496-528. Also available in ISKO Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization (IEKO) https://www.isko.org/cyclo/icd

[Presentations 2022]:

ASIS&T Annual Meeting, 2022, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 2022. Pittsburgh, PA. USA.
- Panel: "Web Accessibility in the Data-Driven Age - W3C’s Guidelines." Panel
Accessibility, Usability, Inclusivity: Information Standards, Guidelines, and Best Practices (ASIS&T Standards Committee). Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 59: 561-564. https://doi.org/10.1002/pra2.627
- Poster: "Creating an Undergraduate Data Science Program in a Disciplinary and Institutional Context in an iSchool." Lead-author: Dr. Yin Zhang

NKOS Workshop 2022, Oct. 6-7. With DC2022. Virtual.
-Presentation: Challenges, opportunities, and approaches in a health KOS vocabulary’s revisions --Insights from ICD-11 (Abstract PDF || Presentation PPT) Marcia Zeng (Kent State University, USA.) & Yi Hong (MedeAnalytics, Inc., Texas, USA.) 

DCMI 2022, Oct 3-7, 2022. Virtual.
-Co-organizer for Core Cultural Metadata Mode (CCMM) Workshop";
-- Invited presentation: "What the Core should cover from viewpoints of cultural heritage description and standards."
-Panel organizer: "Cultural and Linguistic Challenges of Metadata Creation"
-Poster: "Linked Open Data Enabled Bibliographical Data (LODE-BD) 3.0" Co-Author: Imma Subirats, FAO of UN.
-Report: "Report from the DCMI Education Committee" in DCMI Community updates

PNC (Pacific Neighborhood Consortium) 2022. Sept. 16-18, 2022, The University of Arizona, Tucson, USA.
- "Using Visual Nomen for Enhancing Semantic Consistency, Communication, and FAIRness of Open Cultural Heritage Resources, in the Cross-Cultural, -Language, and -time Periods Situations".

IFLA SAA Webinar, Aug. 31,2022. Virtual.
- "Development and Implementation of Competency Index for Linked Data in Teaching and Training" (PPT). Webinar Knowledge Organization Competencies and Skills,31 August 2022. Organized by IFLA section Subject Analysis and Access.

IFLA WLIC 2022, July 26-29, 2022. Dublin, Ireland.
- "Semantic shift in Health KOS – the needs, challenges, and approaches, using WHO’s ICD as the case." Session 105 "Semantic shift and knowledge organization systems (KOS)", Subject Analysis and Access (SAA) Section at 87th IFLA World Library and Information Congress

[Presentations in Chinese 2022]:

CDH2022 (China Digital Humanities Conference), Nov. 26-27, 2022. Virtual.
- "DH Education from the World Perspective ". Keynote at 全球视野下的数字人文教育分论坛 DH Education Satellite Meeting.

ADLS2022 (The 18h Advanced Digital Library Seminar), June 15-16, 2022. Virtual.
- "国际上优秀IIIF 应用实例" (International Excellent IIIF Applications)
-"通过高质量的元数据来提高[高层次]开放数据集的FAIRness及使用价值" (Improving the FAIRness and Values of [High-Level] Open Datasets through High-quality Metadata)

Open GLAM Webinars - Digital Humanities ( 中国GLAM公开课 -数字人文系列), 上海大学 (Shanghai University) 主办. April. 23, 2022. Virtual.
- "智慧数据与数字人文视野下的图档博数据崛起" (The Rise of LAM Data from the Perspective of Smart Data and Digital Humanities). [Over 740,000 people attended this webinar].

[Translation contributions 2022]:

VRA Core 4.0 Element Description and Tagging Examples
Available for downloading from https://www.loc.gov/standards/vracore/schemas.html

Major activities, past few years (2019-2021):

Conference chair. 2021 DCMI Virtual, Oct. 4-15, 2021

Co-organizer. NKOS Consolidated Workshops, 2020, 2021

[Health KOSs]

[Semantic Enrichment]

[FAIR Principles]

[Smart Data for Digital Humanities (DH)]

[Linked Data]

[KOS Interoperability]

Current services and acknowledgements:

ASIS&T 2024 Award of Merit, https://www.asist.org/2024/06/24/marcia-zeng-to-receive-the-asist-2024-award-of-merit/

Executive Board member, International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) 2020-2024

Governing Board member, DCMI Governing Board Sept. 2021 -- present

ISKO liaison member of ISO/TC 37/SC 3, Management of terminology resources. 2021-- present

ISKO Scientific and Technical Advisory Council (STAC) member, 2022-2025

Co-Chair, Digital Humanities Curriculum Committee (iDHCC), iSchools Organization. Feb. 2019 -- 2021

Chair, DCMI Education Committee. 2021 -- present

ASIS&T Distinguished Member, Inaugural Class of 2021

Conference Advisor, DC-2022, DCMI-2023 Daegu, DCMI 2024 Toronto

==> Curriculum Vitae ==>

Educational Background

Ph.D. 1992. School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh
M.A. 1984, B.A. 1982 Wuhan University, China

Major Research Interests

Knowledge organization and representation; metadata architectures and applications; Linked Data; thesaurus, taxonomy, ontology, and other knowledge organization systems (KOS); database quality control; indexing systems and software, application of expert systems; multilingual information processing; digital humanities.

areas of interest

Acronyms and Abbreviations:

  • DCMI = Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
  • DCMI NKOS-TG = DCMI Application Profile for KOS Resources Task Group
  • DDC = Dewey Decimal Classification
  • EU-ICP-PSP = EU Information and Communication Technology Policy Support Programme
  • EU ADMS-WG = EU ISA Programme Asset Description Metadata Schema Working group
  • FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Getty = The Getty Foundation, The J. Paul Getty Trust
  • iDHCC = iSchools Digital Humanities Curriculum Committee, iSchools Organization
  • IFLA = International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
  • IFLA-DL WG = IFLA Working Group on Digital Libraries
  • IFLA-FRSAR-WG = IFLA Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records Working Group
  • IMLS = Institute of Museum and Library Services
  • ISO = International Organization for Standardization
  • KSU = Kent State University
  • NSF = National Science Foundation
  • OBR = Ohio Board of Regents
  • OCLC = OCLC Online Computer Library Center
  • UW = University of Washington
  • UC Santa Barbara = University of California Santa Barbara
  • W3C LLD-XG = World Wide Web Consortium Library Linked Data Incubator Group

Metadata Tutorial and Tools

KOS Tutorial and Tools

Working Groups in action

  • Utilizing Event-Centered Description and Linked Data to Increase Access to Diverse Historical Materials:  The May 4 Events as Case Study (Funded by KSU College of Communication and Information)

  • Smart [Big] Data team, Kent State University (Funded by the KSU URC Research Seed grant).
    • Digital Humanities Research with Smart Big Data — A Network Framework of Innovation History

Completed Group Work

Current courses:

Professional Affiliations and Working Groups (a selected list)

mzeng at Kent dot edu, (330)672-2782 (iSchool phone)